Micro Grants
Nt garden walk [EXTRA] micRo grants
We are excited to continue garden grants of $250! We believe everyone should have access to a garden but understand that the purchase of materials and plants are not always able to fit within budgets. Gardens are spaces that enhance our lives and communities. Pollinators and the environment need as many advocates as possible – we want to help support the addition of new gardens or augmenting existing garden spaces. This “seed money” can be used to redesign a space, expand an existing garden, create an entirely new garden, or purchase trees from the City. As this is a small stipend, we aim to encourage creativity in small spaces that yield a big impact. One square foot of flowers is enough to help our favorite birds, insects, and other pollinator friends. We consider traditional garden designs, raised beds, pots and planters, or anything you might have in mind for a front yard, porch, border, or general space that can be seen from the public right of way.
You must answer “yes” to each of the following questions in order for your proposal to be eligible.
1. Is your project located within the City of North Tonawanda?
2. Is your project related to gardening and beautification?
3. Is your project visible from the street or public right of way?
4. Is your organization or group a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) or sponsored by a registered nonprofit? *Tree purchases from the City are exempt from this requirement. If you are an individual who would like to purchase a tree from the Parks Department please continue with your application.
5. Do you have a water source?
6. Will this location be able to be featured on the North Tonawanda Garden Walk for the next 2 years?
Your application will be reviewed by a group of volunteers. The North Tonawanda Garden Walk wants to support projects that prioritize pollinator and native plants, responsible water usage, creativity, and overall positive impacts in your neighborhood. Feasibility, creativity, longevity, and overall impact are all considered during review.
May 1: Applications due
Mid May: Grant selections announced
July 11: Completion of the Project (All grant projects will be included, if possible, on the North Tonawanda Garden Walk map. Street tree projects will differ based on the City’s planting schedule and should ready for the following year’s Garden Walk)
September 13: Reconciliation Deadline
Contact Information: You will need to provide names and contact information (phone number/email) for yourself and your group sponsor. Please make sure they agree to be contacts and have working email and/or phone numbers! Please make sure to include the address of the garden if it will not be located at the contact information.
Sponsorship Documentation from a nonprofit: As a nonprofit, we can only give money to other nonprofits. If you are a nonprofit organization, you will need to submit a copy of your 501(c)(3) exemption letter. Note that this is not the same as a sales tax exemption certificate issued by New York State.
If you are not a nonprofit, you must ask for sponsorship from a 501(c)(3) sponsor. (Non-profit current and past supporters of our Garden Walk include the Carnegie Art Center, Oliver Street Merchants, Project Pride of North Tonawanda, the NT History Museum, and the Herschell Carrousel Museum – you are welcome to submit through another 501(c)(3) group not listed here.) If you have any difficulty in finding a sponsor, please contact us. We are able to issue a payment to the City of North Tonawanda if you are an individual who is interested in purchasing a street tree, please specify if this is the purpose of your application.
Documentation of Your Project: A description of your project. Please include as much detail as you can. A budget for your project, including proposed plant materials, other supplies, and any matching funds. Matching funds can be in the form of funds or volunteer labor.
If you are having any difficulty or have questions with this application, please email us or use our contact form!